St. Paul's Day School
Celebrating our 72nd year of excellence in preschool education

Voted #1 Preschool in
Each day begins with a Chapel service held in the main church. This special time together consists of an opening prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, "God Bless America", a Bible story or object lesson, singing, and a closing prayer. Parents are always welcome to join us for Chapel!
Our staff has developed an outstanding and unique curriculum based on developmentally appropriate practices. Teachers on each level meet together weekly to plan fun and creative learning experiences for their students. Pre-readiness math and language development skills are incorporated into thematic units. A variety of learning centers is set up in each classroom.
Music is an important part of our curriculum. Each class participates in special music sessions once or twice a week which include singing, movement, and rhythm instruments. Development of social skills- sharing, taking turns, and following directions are emphasized.
Art activities are designed to encourage creativity, and children are exposed to a wide variety of media and techniques.
"Busybodies" is an activity attended by all 5-day children once a week and includes large motor development, body and spatial awareness, aerobic exercise, and yoga.
Each class visits our Learning Lab once a week, where the students enjoy lots of hands-on sensory and higher level thinking activities which enrich their classroom curriculum. Our fantastic gardening program provides opportunities for learning and exploring the process from seed to harvest.
Outside time is included on days when the weather permits.